Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay about A Modern Romantic’s View on Love - 1216 Words

Love – a simple four letter word shrouded in mystery and many different meanings. Philosophers, poets, and writers have all tried to discern the significance or concept of love for many centuries. Plato, for example, was one such philosopher who in his work the Symposium (which means â€Å"Drinking Party†) wrote about â€Å"Eros† – the term for sexual love in Greek. The Symposium was written approximately around 384 and 379 B.C.E., and follows five elite Athenian men as they pronounce their admiration of Eros while lounging on couches listening to flute girls play in the distance. Each of the men has different backgrounds ranging from tragic poet, comedian, doctor, playboy, and even Socrates himself (Norton). All these characters bring diverse views†¦show more content†¦Aristophanes explains: This, then, is the source of our desire to love each other. Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature. Each of us, then, is a â€Å"matching half† of a human whole, because each was sliced like a flatfish, two out of one, and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him (Norton). This reveals how people today seem to be searching for their â€Å"soul mate† – the one that completes them. Even Aristotle once said: â€Å"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies† (Brainyquote). But is this a realistic search? Is there really someone out there that â€Å"completes† the other? Tania Vaughn, in her Ministry Blog on Christian Single, doesn’t believe so. She writes: There is however, a very real feeling that we often have of something being missing or feeling as though we are incomplete. It is not because of our separation from another half, it is because of our separation from God. We were originally made to live alongside God, to walk with him as Adam and Eve first did in the garden (Christian). In other words, when we find God we are complete because He is the one we’ve been searching for our whole lives. He fills the missing piece in our hearts. In contrast, Lesya Li, Editor in Chief of Having, reasons: We are already whole. You don’t find the need to seek validation elsewhere soShow MoreRelated Comparing Dover Beach and Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essays1556 Words   |  7 PagesModernist Perceptions as Exemplified by Dover Beach and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock    Matthew Arnold and T.S. Eliot, in their respective poems, share a sense of alienation, not only from other people but from nature and God as well. Arnold is writing in an age when the place of man in the universe is coming into question, for the first time since the advent of Christianity. He can no longer take the same solace in nature and the love of God that his Romantic predecessors did. While ArnoldRead More Brownings Love Among the Ruins Essay2113 Words   |  9 PagesBrownings Love Among the Ruins Among the failed and fallen works of man, the mundane, indeed profane, outcome of our history’s cyclic vastation, human affection may finally reign. This is the claim of Browning’s Love Among the Ruins, published in his monumental volume Men Women, in 1855. Subtler emotions of kindliness and endearment between two persons only take the foreground of our affairs when the brazen dynamo of the days of kings and their mobs collapse in their mad, millenary mill-raceRead More Romanticism in European Art and Culture Essay2490 Words   |  10 Pagesculture. By looking at modern paintings, we can see the influence Romanticism has had throughout the generations. With Romanticism, artists have been able to take painting to different levels. The paintings are so profound that they allow the viewer to learn, develop, and acknowledge new aspects of life. The beginning of the Romantic era marked the birth of creative activities and aesthetic behaviors. Romanticism allows an artist to be creative, original, and authentic. Romantics view the world as more

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Working With The Elderly Population - 1475 Words

Reminiscing to 2010, when I was faced with my grandmother s illness during the adolescent years in my life I knew that I had a passion to care for the elderly (aging) population. From this passion, it ignited a fire so strong that I pursue my certified nursing assistant certification to gain a better understanding of working with the elderly population. By doing so, it has been a great benefit to my life; aging is an inevitable experience that we all will go through during our life. It is important to ensure that our elderly individuals are still able to enjoy the best quality of life after retirement. However, as we age, there will be a lifestyle change that the aging population must encounter. Instead of relying on income from previous occupation, the elderly population, income will fixate, resulting in dependency on their 401k saving plan and other government related programs to assist with activities of daily living. This is why I choose to work with this population, to ensure t hat dignity, worth, and respect of a person is maintained. However, the aging population should not feel that they are being treated as a burden by the government or their families. In the United States, we undermine our aging population by treating them as though they are not of any value. In reference to this mistreatment towards the aging population can cause issues such as unemployment, health, and elder abuse. Social justice is about assuring the protection of equal rights, andShow MoreRelatedAgeing Population942 Words   |  4 PagesItem B and elsewhere, assess the view that an ageing population creates problems for society There are many different problems that an ageing population creates for society. There are many reasons why there is an increase in the ageing population, as Item B states â€Å"In common with many western societies, the United Kingdom has an ageing population. 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Today, I will be discussing the similarities and differences between two of social workers most promising areas of practice the child and the elderly population. Social Workers can offer assistance to both children and parents. This is one of the reasons I choose to work with children. I would love having the ability to impact a child or a family s life by offering guidance and direction. When dealingRead MoreTechnology Solutions for Human Services Paper1181 Words   |  5 Pagesprofession involves various obstacles to overcome when working with a variety of clients. Obstacles are seen in all phases of human services in areas providing services, planning programs, and funding troubles. However, the elimination of some of these barriers can be done with the use of proper technology. Providing services to the aging population can be challenging, when providing services to this particular group because of the rising elderly population needing help and the decline of mental and physicalRead MoreElderly Adults : An Aging Population1152 Words   |  5 PagesElderly adults will always be present. If the average age span of the elderly rises, then changes will be made in numerous areas. An aging population calls for a changing nation. Many advantages come with a large elderly population, yet several disadvantages come in tow as well. If that population begins to live exceeding the average lifespan of past records, then numerous accommodations will need to be made. These arrangements will ultimately have an effect on surrounding age groups. Although nowRead MoreAging Society : Aging Population1661 Words   |  7 Pagesoverall population of the elderly population is anticipated to rise by 135%. The elderly population that is aged 85 and over, is expected to need more health and long-term care services, which is anticipated to rise by 350%. The burdens of the upcoming aging in population in the US is not so much originated from the rise in the aging population, by itself, but rather from the slower anticipated rise in the non-elderly, employed population. The gradual expansion of the employed population will resultRead MoreEssay about A Carrerr as a Gerontologist 1400 Words   |  6 Pagesof the elderly but attempt to understand and address the needs of the elderly. An individual can take different paths of gerontology. They can either work with the elderly through community service programs or even research physical and psychological aspects of aging, with the overall aim being towards improving our quality of lives as we grow older. The area in which I would like to pursue my career in gerontology is adult daycare or also known as elderly retirement homes. Numerous elderly peopleRead MoreThe Demographic Transition Model Analysis1208 Words   |  5 Pages In 2050, Argentina will be in stage four of the demographic transition model. This proposes that the population growth will be approach zero, and Argentina will sustain an unvarying population. Most of Europe, Japan, and the United States are perpetually in stage four. Argentina will then be considered a developed country with most people in the working age group, with a tumbling birth rate. This can be seen in the 2050 graph when the sides of the â€Å"pyramid† begin to straighten out or become invertedRead MoreThe Population Of The United States900 Words   |  4 Pages With the continual increase in the elder population, whether or not an aging population is beneficial to society has become widely debatable. While many believe that this top-heavy type of population distribution poses a colossal obstacle in terms of economic development in the long run, others maintain that it is a testament to the development of a society. Given that a high proportion of elderly citi zens puts immense pressure on the working force and would be a burden on the healthcare systemRead MoreEconomic Development Patterns Of Employment And Retirement915 Words   |  4 Pagespatterns of employment and retirement, the way individuals and families operate, the capabilities of governments and communities to offer sufficient resources for the elderly population, and the commonness of chronic disease and disability. The social, economic, and demographic deviations that the United States is undergoing at the population level may perhaps have far-reaching outcomes on one’s physical health and well-being. For instance, changes in household arrangement may also lead to different options

David Archuletas Crush free essay sample

David Archuleta’s single, Crush, was far better than I anticipated. I thought that they would have him do some stuffy type of music. This pop hit has a great beat and great piano. How many of us thought that David A. didn’t have the sound that could be heard on the radio? How many of us thought that he had an amazing voice, but couldn’t pull off pop? His song, Crush, is catchy and everyone can relate to this message. He sings: â€Å"Do you ever think, when you’re all alone All that we could be, where this thing could go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush? Do you catch a breath, when I look at you? Are you holding back, like the way I do? Cause I’m trying, trying to walk away But I know this crush ain’t goin away, goin away† Who hasn’t felt that way before? And not to mention who wouldn’t catch a breath when David looked at them? There are many more catchy phrases about having a crush and I can’t wait for David to come out with an album (Nov. We will write a custom essay sample on David Archuletas Crush or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 11th!). His voice is amazing and the style of music that he’s chosen won’t put you to sleep! It’ll be a pleasant surprise!